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Customizing the perfect fit for your Outdoor Covers

The first thing you are going to need is a measuring device and obtain the precise dimensions of your item(s)
patio tables and chairs, chaise lounges, barbecue grills, island kitchens, ac units, kids toys, electronics etc.

When you provide us with your information clearly indicate the measurements in inches "height, depth, width, and diameter dimensions". It is important that you give us a complete scope of your item, including handles, arms, and any other attachments, an e-mailed or faxed sketch or photo is always helpful. Also, please specify if there are holes that need to be made (an example is a motorcycle antenna or an umbrella hole). Unless advised otherwise we typically add 1/2" to your width and depth measurements, so the covers will go on and off easily, and subtract 1' from the height so the cover does not wear against the ground.

If you have any difficulty or a special request please contact us and one of our representatives will be happy to assist you.

Please request a quote and send us your information: If you have a photo or sketch, please e-mail or fax it to us separately

Measurement Illustrations:

Use the drawings below to help create your own drawings, e-mail 


Covers are precisly made to the measurements of your product
Precise measurments used to make quality outdoor covers
Precision covers made using quality material


We specialize in high quality custom made covers to fit any outdoor item

Please e-mail us with your item's dimensions and specifications and we will be glad to provide pricing for a unique high-quality custom cover.

For additional assistance you may contact us at the following telephone numbers or email:

Phone: 713-270-6153
Fax: 713-772-8838

Quote Form

Thanks for submitting!

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